The International Finance Forum has wrapped up its twentieth anniversary and annual meeting in southern Chinas Guangzhou. The event featured prominent figures from organizations like the IMF, the World Bank, the UN and other financial institutions. The participants discussed major issues on the economy and sustainable developmen...
Guangzhou, 29 out (Xinhua) -- O Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) da China dever crescer 5,2% em 2023 e 5% em 2024, de acordo com um relatrio divulgado no Frum Internacional de Finanas (IFF, em ingls) neste sbado. O crescimento global deve desacelerar ainda mais este ano, para 3,1%, e provavelmente permanecer fraco no mesmo nvel em 20...
GUANGZHOU, 29 Ekim (Xinhua) -- inin gayrisafi yurtii hasılasının (GSYH) 2023 yılında yzde 5,2 ve 2024 yılında ise yzde 5 bymesi bekleniyor. inin gneyindeki Guangdong eyaletinin Guangzhou kentinde Cumartesi gn dzenlenen Uluslararası Finans Forumunun (IFF) 20. Kuruluş Yıldnm ve Yıllık Toplantısında aıklanan IFF 2023 Kresel Finans ...
GUANGZHOU, NETRALNEWS.COM- Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) China diperkirakan akan tumbuh 5,2 persen pada 2023 dan 5 persen pada 2024, demikian menurut laporan yang dirilis di International Financial Forum (IFF) pada Sabtu (28/10). Pertumbuhan global diproyeksikan melambat lebih lanjut tahun ini di angka 3,1 persen, dan kemungkinan ...
The outlook for the global economy, Chinas future role in international markets, and much more are being discussed at the International Finance Forum taking place this weekend in southern Chinas city of Guangzhou. Attendees from the IMF, World Bank and the UN are all in attendance. CGTNs Omar Khan has more. The Global Annual Con...
Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, delivers a speech via video at the International Finance Forum (IFF) 20th Anniversary and Annual Meeting 2023 on Saturday. [Photo provided to China Daily] China is projected to contribute more than 30 percent of global economic growth in 2023, highlighti...
GUANGZHOU, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinas gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to grow 5.2 percent in 2023 and 5 percent in 2024, according to a report released at the International Financial Forum (IFF) on Saturday. The global growth is projected to slow further this year at 3.1 percent, and is likely to remain weak at the same...