HOME>WHAT WE DO>Events>Academic Workshop>2018 Bali Meeting New Globalization: A Path to the Future


In recent years, with the increasing intensification of international trade friction and financial competition, new financial risks have emerged and brought great uncertainties to global economic growth and globalization. The International Finance Forum (IFF) will host the IFF 2018 Bali Meeting on Wednesday, October 10th, 2018, coinciding with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG) 2018 Annual Meetings in Bali, Indonesia. The IFF will take the opportunity of the meeting to launch a report with the theme of “New Globalization: A Path to the Future” as well as carry on the discussion investigating the future development of the new globalization era, examining the challenges and opportunities the world faces, presenting the solutions to crisis management, and exploring the way of cooperative development.

  • ZHU Xian

  • Guo Xiang Jun

  • Zhou Qiang Wu

  • Xiang Song Zuo

  • Li Jin Liang

  • LEE Jih-Chu

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