HOME>WHAT WE DO>Events> Global Carbon Pricing Conference


  • The 19th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Fostering Global Climate Action
  •  2024-11-23
  • This event organised by the Task Force on Carbon Pricing in Europe, together with the International Finance Forum, intends in its first session to look at how to foster the developmentof renewables and nuclear, and in session 2 at how to implement a global framework around carbon pricing.
  • The 18th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Fostering carbon-free sources of energy in the world: China, the EU and the US at the forefront
  •  2024-07-23
  • According to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the global mean temperature from February 2023 to January 2024 has been the highest ever: 1.52°C above the 1850-1900 period. The 1.5°C threshold agreed on at the Paris COP21 is probably already reached while GHG emissions keep growing every year.
  • The 17th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Boosting the Phase-Out of Methane Emissions
  •  2023-12-05
  • This meeting co-organized by the Task Force on Carbon Pricing in Europe and the International Finance Forum, is a follow-up of the side event which took place in Sharm El-Sheikh in the premises of the International Chamber of Commerce. We will monitor the progress realised since last year by the oil and gas sector. We will see if some of them, who have already made most of the necessary investments to phase out methane emissions could not lead the way to the other oil and gas companies.
  • The 16th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Fostering the Fight Against Climate Change: Regulation and Incentives
  •  2023-10-28
  • This event co-organised by the International Finance Forum, the European Task Force on Carbon Pricing in Europe and the American Paulson Institute intends to discuss the use of these two techniques with a focus on the three blocks: the US, China and Europe. The first session will deal with regulation and the second with market incentives.
  • The 15th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Fostering the Phase Out of Methane Emissions in Fossil Fuels Sectors
  •  2023-06-28
  • This current meeting is in line with the side event which has been organised on methane by the Task Force and the International Finance Forum at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh. It is part of the preparatory programme to a side event at COP28 in Dubai where we expect to present suggestions to accelerate the phasing out of methane in the fossil fuels sectors. The first preparatory meeting took place on March 20th on the theme “Methane and Global Warming: Facts and Figures”. A third event will be organised in September, focused on the firms concerned.
  • The 14th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:IFF Policy Dialogue II — Global Carbon Pricing Meeting 2022
  •  2022-12-03
  • This session took stock of the COP27 debates in Sharm El-Sheikh: GHG emissions were on a trajectory that was far above what should have been necessary to limit the rise of temperature to 2°C. For the UN, the “best estimate of peak temperature in the 21st century was in the range of 2.1 – 2.9°C.”
  • The 13th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Accelerating Methane Emissions Abatement: the Use of the Montreal Protocol
  •  2022-11-09
  • The International Finance Forum (IFF) co-organised on Wednesday an event on methane emission reduction on the side of the UN climate change conference COP27.
  • The 12th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Using Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage to Reverse the Trend of Carbonization
  •  2022-06-02
  • The Glasgow COP26 has called for decisive and swift action to fight climate change. It is now due time to put in place global devices for reversing the trend of carbon emissions. Phasing out carbon emissions needs to put in place the right incentives for enterprises to implement carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies. This event looks at the technical issues to overcome for a large use of CCUS.
  • The 11th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Global Carbon Pricing Dialogue
  •  2021-12-04
  • Continue the COP26 agenda for the global carbon pricing mechanism and promote its further development. Discuss how the steel, energy, and other industries in Europe, where the carbon market started earlier, adapts to the carbon market, as well as the implications for enterprises and policymakers in China, US and other countries.
  • The 10th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Mitigating Climate Change Damages Through Generalization of Carbon Pricing
  •  2021-11-08
  • This conference was a round-table at the COP 26 Glasgow summit jointly organized by the IFF, Task Force Carbon Pricing in Europe and the Paulson Institute. It is clear that the more we succeed in decarbonisation, the less damage and loss we suffer. All economies and international institutions, more and more policymakers, firms and people around the world get convinced that gibing a price to carbon is a major catalyst to succeed the energy transition. IFF Vice President and Secretary General Zhu Xian had an exclusive interview with China Daily at the Glasgow meeting.
  • The 9th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Stopping Global Carbon Emissions an International Conversation on the Eve of the COP26
  •  2021-10-21
  • More than 40 major policymakers, business leaders, experts and high-ranking officials from across the globe, who shared their expectations for the upcoming 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties in Glasgow, which will start on Oct 31. They called for urgent action on stopping carbon emissions and wide and in-depth discussions on global carbon pricing as an incentive toward net-zero carbon output at COP26 Glasgow summit.
  • The 8th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme: Looking for a Glasgow COP26 Road-map
  •  2021-10-11
  • The urgency of the energy crisis, fragility of some renewable energies and the affordability of future energy supply forms the gap between the increasing demand for energy and the urgent goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which is a tough challenge facing by world leaders. Experts call for strong leadership via efficient implementation of the policies and funding low-carbon sectors for emerging markets, facilitating the commercialization and affordability of decarbonisation innovations and technologies and supporting related technology transformations.
  • The 7th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Carbon Pricing and the Implementation of the Paris COP21 Agreement
  •  2021-07-07
  • This conference brought together high-ranking officials, policymakers and scholars from China, the EU and the US, as well as representatives of the IMF and OECD, who discussed the efficiency of carbon pricing and called for cooperation between the world's three major economic powers and carbon emitters, the US, the EU and China. Participants at the conference agreed that carbon pricing will be a significant tool in the fight against global warming and tackle carbon leakage.
  • The 6th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Progress and Policies of China-EU Carbon Pricing Cooperation
  •  2021-05-29
  • Participants and speakers of this conference discussed the following topics including, Successful practices, institutional designs and mechanisms on carbon pricing and trading throughout the world including China and the EU; Market-oriented mechanism of carbon price formulation; Potential pricing drivers and incentives to promote energy-saving, emission reduction and carbon utilization; and suggestions on fiscal policies to support carbon pricing.
  • The 5th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Function and Mechanism of Emission Market and Carbon Pricing in Tackling Global Warming
  •  2020-11-21
  • Experts, policymakers and officials from China, the EU and the US discussed the role of carbon markets and carbon pricing mechanisms in emission reduction; current practices and experience in carbon pricing in various countries; pricing mechanisms for shifting consumption of fossil energy toward clean energy and mechanism and path forward to global carbon pricing.
  • The 4th Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Economic Recovery and Climate Change in the Post Pandemic Era
  •  2020-07-17
  • Focusing on economic recovery and climate change in the post-pandemic era the Webinar attracted over 50 high-ranking officials, including four ministers from both China and the EU and researchers from international institutes, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), etc.
  • The 3rd Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:Task Force of Carbon Pricing in China and EU
  •  2019-11-24
  • The 3rd global carbon pricing conference was held in Guangzhou, China, during the IFF 2019 Annual Global Conference. Laurent Fabius, President of the French Constitutional Council, former Prime Minister of France and President of the 21st UN Climate Change Conference (COP21), and Han Seung-soo, former President of the UN General Assembly and former Prime Minister of South Korea, attended and spoke at the conference.
  •  2019-09-22
  • Report on the meeting held at the French Embassy Cultural Center in New York on Sept 22, 2019 A high-level group of European and Chinese politicians, business leaders, academics and climate experts agreed at a conference on the sidelines of the U.N. Climate Action Summit ...
  • The 2nd Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:To Forster a Common Carbon Pricing Mechanism in China and EU
  •  2019-09-22
  • The second China-EU Carbon Pricing Conference was successfully held in New York, during the UN Climate Change Action Summit. The event was supported by the French Embassy in New York, Tsinghua University, the National Center for Strategic Research and International Cooperation on Climate Change, the OECD, the Paulson Foundation and other international institutions. The International Finance Forum (IFF) European Carbon Pricing Working Group co-signed and launched the Sino-European Joint Initiative on Carbon Pricing.
  • The 1st Global Carbon Pricing Conference
  • Theme:The Start of a Common Carbon Pricing Mechanism in China and EU
  •  2019-05-13
  • The first China-EU Carbon Pricing Conference was successfully held in Paris, France, with the support of Nomura Bank, EDF, ENGIE and other interested companies. Laurent Fabius, President of the French Constitutional Council, former Prime Minister of France and President of the 21st UN Climate Change Conference (COP21), received the delegation and offered to host a high level event in China to support this joint initiative. Fabius accepted IFF's invitation to join the IFF as a board member and said he would participate as a member of the European delegation.
  • The IFF 2018 Bali Meeting
  • Theme:The Release of the Report “The New Globalization: A Path to the Future”
  •  2018-10-10
  • At present, international trade disputes are intensifying, international financial competition is fierce, the risk of a new global financial crisis is emerging, and the world's economic growth and globalization development are facing serious challenges. The IFF hold the IFF 2018 Bali Conference and released the report The New Globalization: A Path to the Future on 10 on October 2018 in Bali, Indonesia, as part of the agenda of the World Bank/IMF 2018 Annual Meetings.
  • The IFF 2018 Climate Action Summit
  • Theme:Actions on the Climate Change
  •  2018-09-04
  • China and California have a long and successful partnership on climate and clean energy. The China Pavilion at the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit will bring together people from across China's provinces, cities, businesses and community groups to share climate development achievements and promote international cooperation. The China Pavilion's three-day agenda includes a high-level opening ceremony followed by numerous breakout sessions on carbon finance, urban climate action, carbon pricing,energy efficiency, zero-emission vehicles and more.